Operational Waste Management Plan

BRP Consulting comprehensive Operational (On-Going) Waste Management Plan (WMP) reports can consist of multi-unit, mixed-use, residential housing or non-residential developments such as commercial, industrial, hospitals, all medical clinics and veterinary etc…

Operational Waste Management Plans can be generated independently or in conjunction with either or both, Demolition & Construction Waste Management Plan and Medical & Clinical Related Waste Management Plan.

We follow council waste management guidelines, development control plans, corresponding with council’s waste management team when required, ensuring development planning approval.

Our plans identify ways to minimise waste, maximise recycling and reduce the waste footprint of a development. A good waste management plan will improve the Recycling and Organics Waste (FOGO) behaviour of residents by making recycling easy.

Better Sustainable Resource Options planning can achieve long-term, cost-effective solutions benefiting our clients and best interests of the community.

Considering waste management strategies early in the design avoids difficult redesign issues later in a project and helps ensure best practice outcomes.

Organic Waste is a problem in landfill as it produces methane, a harmful greenhouse gas that is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Turning organic waste into compost reduces the impact on the environment and allows waste to become a usable product.

Existing landfill sites are also nearing capacity and the creation of new sites can cause significant detrimental effects through land clearing, loss of habitat for local wildlife, and potential groundwater and soil contamination from the leaching of heavy metals and chemicals.

Residents can decide to commit to improving waste management methods by composting in support of social and environmental commitments at the local level by utilising cost-effective solutions such as compost bins and worm farms.

Bokashi Anaerobic Composting bins are also available that can be stored indoors or outdoors. It’s a great way to turn your kitchen scraps into rich liquid and semi-solid fertiliser.

Contact us and we will provide you with a prompt & highly competitive no obligation quote. We generally confirm written quotes within 2-4 hours and can deliver most reports within 1 week.

Operational Waste Management Plan

Operational Waste Management Plan

With unlimited access to relevant engineers and years of experience, BRP Consulting will ensure efficient and comprehensive reports that meets council waste and environmental development standards.

Contact Us Today!